Dienstag, 16.04.2024 08:03 Uhr

Menashe Lustig - an exceptional artist

Verantwortlicher Autor: Sharon Oppenheimer New York, 03.06.2022, 11:01 Uhr
Nachricht/Bericht: +++ Kunst, Kultur und Musik +++ Bericht 9054x gelesen

New York [ENA] Menashe Lustig isn't just funny—he's unique. A Hasidic Jew from New York who has become a comedian and film actor, and with success. Menashe Lustig is an American actor and author who was born in New York in 1978. He made his screen debut five years ago in the sensitive film drama "Menashe", which suddenly made him famous worldwide. An unlikely story from grocery worker to critically acclaimed actor

Menashe showed his comedic talent on YouTube since 2006. He has now published a digital book in seven languages, „My Proverbs“. His big breakthrough came in 2017 with the movie „Menashe“. Based largely on the real life of Menashe Lustig, the film is an impressively authentic and deeply moving portrait of family, love, grief and community. Menashe tells his unlikely story - from grocery worker in Borough Park to critically acclaimed actor.

The film was like a seismic wave and received a lot of attention and awards and was the first Yiddish-language film to be released in the United States in nearly seventy years. Menashe also appeared in the 2017 short film „Soon By You“. In 2019, Menashe Lustig could be seen in the fascinating horror movie „The Vigil“, which also takes place in the Hasidic milieu. In this film he is starring in a supporting role as Reb Shulem. The protagonists in the main parts are the amazing Dave Davis, the unforgettable Lynn Cohen and Malky Goldman.

In 2020 he appeared in the comedy "Tzadeikis" in the role of Shloime. As in the film "Menashe", the artist lost his wife and had to raise his son alone. Although he grew up in a religious, Jewish community that doesn't know television, he always wanted to be an actor. He reached his goal and hopefully he will continue for a long time.

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